What good is science if it stays constrained to labs? My role as a Science Communicator is to make science simple, approachable, and engaging. I love to experiment with different mediums to articulate information - visuals (illustrations, comics, infographics), videos and of course, writing. I enjoy collaborating and sustaining relationships across disciplines to create meaningful learning experiences for all.



Henrietta Lacks and The Story of Immortal Cells

Epigenetics: It's not just the genes that make you

Why Do We Love To Gossip? Science Has The Answer.

Global Water Crisis

Gut Feelings: The Connection With The Brain

Why Don't We Kill All The Mosquitoes?

The Science Behind Skin Color

What's The Deal with 'Vegan Leather'?


Importance of Science Communication
Importance of Science Communication
Microbes - Friends or Foes
Microbes - Friends or Foes
Why Don't We Kill All the Mosquitoes
Why Don't We Kill All the Mosquitoes
Superpowers? Nope.
Superpowers? Nope.
The 5-Second Rule
The 5-Second Rule


A logo animation I made for 'Science Next Door', a group of Indian Science Communicators

Family of Biomolceules

Global Water Crisis

Get in Touch!

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